Project partners
A.R.S. Progetti, Rome, Italy
ACRA, Milan, Italy
Aspire-igen Group Ltd., Bradford, UK
Association 21 July, Rome, Italy
Center for Educational Initiatives, Riga, Latvia
Centro Italiano per l´Apprendimento Permanente, Rome, Italy
Centrum för flexibelt lärande – Hälsinglands utbildningsförbund, Soderhamn, Sweden
Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
Csoport-teka, Budapest, Hungary
E&G Projekt Agentur GmbH, Finsterwalde, Germany
Educational Dynamics, Hermoupolis, Greece
Elderberry AB, Hägersten, Sweden
Fondazione ACRA, Milano, Italy
Fundacion Paraguaya, Asuncion, Paraguay
Generationen gehen gemeinsam, Finsterwalde, Germany
Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal
Integro Association, Razgrad, Bulgaria
International Child Development Initiative, Leiden, The Netherlands
International Step by Step Association, Leiden, The Netherlands
Link Campus University, Rome, Italy
MIOS, Tuzla, Bosnia & Hercegovina
MOMA, Varna, Bulgaria
Nadace Open Society Fund, Prague, The Czech Republic
Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti – Open Society Foundation, Bratislava, The Slovak Republic
Open Academy Step by Step, Zagreb, Croatia
Open Society Foundation London, UK
Partnere per femijet, Tirana, Albania
Partners Hungary Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
Pomoc deci, Belgrade, Serbia
Roma Center „Amare Rromentza“ Bucharest, Romania
Schola Empirica, z. s., Prague, The Czech Republic
Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Lodz, Poland
Step by Step Centre for Quality in Education, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Stichtung Aflatoun International, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Business Foundation for Education, Sofia, Bulgaria
Tiny Signers, Leeds, UK
Trust for Social Achievement, Sofia, Bulgaria
UNICEF, New York, United States
VBJK, Ghent, Belgium