Media Parents
Competence training for media education of parents in rural areas
About the project
Media literacy is a central key competence in a society, where everyday life and the working world are significantly influenced by digitization. Thus, competencies in the digital world are becoming a central prerequisite for social participation and they are absolutely necessary for a successful educational and professional career.
The main goal of the project is to enable parents to deal with the topic and to provide them with sufficient information. One way to support parents in their media education tasks is to offer themed and institutionally detached parents´ evenings. In this way, media-pedagogical knowledge and practical handouts can be imparted in a way that is suitable for everyday use in home education and can be developed together in a common exchange. Especially in rural regions across Europe, there is a lack of trained media educators. Parents and adults from different professional backgrounds, such as educational specialists or lecturers, can be the right partners in the future.
The following activities will be implemented to achieve the project objective:
- Development of an advanced training concept for the realization of topic-related and target group-oriented e-learning courses (adapted to different age groups of children) to qualify as MediaParent consultants in form of a curriculum to qualify as MediaParent consultants
- Development of an e-learning platform with target group-specific courses on various media education topics to qualify as a MediaParent consultant. Such a digital course offer, open to everyone, is not yet available, especially for this type of region. Due to international cooperation, this platform would gain an innovative character
- Establishment of a collection of practice-proven, topic-related, and target-group specific materials for preparation and follow-up as well as the implementation of media-pedagogical parents‘ evenings. This collection of materials should relieve the „voluntary“ consultants of time and work and so increase the willingness to hold a parents‘ evening
- A suitable and to the regional conditions’ specific method for the evaluation of learning performance for future MediaParent consultants will be developed. The evaluation will be carried out through online-based test procedures. The participant will receive a certificate of participation as proof of acquired knowledge. As the competence assessment will be online-based, it is particularly suitable for rural areas
- Development of a database as a background for a dynamic map in the frontend, which serves to find MediaParent consultants in the surrounding area. In addition, registered MediaParent consultants can use the platform for exchange and networking amongst each other and across national borders