
Medzinárodné stretnutie v Kyjeve

Project activities - 13. April 2016

V dňoch 14. – 17. októbra 2015 sa zúčastnili Mgr. Denisa Sklenková a Ing. Miroslav Sklenka, PhD. medzinárodného stretnutia v Kyjeve na Ukrajine. Cieľom medzinárodného stretnutia bola prezentácia pozitívnych skúseností z komunitných rozvojových a vzdelávacích programov na Slovensku. Continue Reading

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International meeting in Kiev

Activities - 13. April 2016

13From 14th to 17th October 2015, Denisa Sklenkova and Miroslav Sklenka attended the international meeting in Kiev, Ukraine. The aim of the meeting was to present the successful international experiences of community development and education programs in Slovakia. Continue Reading

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Capacity Development Workshop

Activities - 11. June 2015

From 16th to 18th December 2014, in the premises of our organization there was realized an introductory workshop for the purpose of the capacity development of organization.  Its implementers were representatives of INTRAC and Slovak Fundraising Centre. The output of nearly a one year future cooperation will be the newly created organizational strategy, communication strategy and fundraising strategy of Wide Open School n. o.

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Budovanie kapacity organizácie

Project activities - 11. June 2015

V dňoch 16. – 18. decembra 2014 sa v priestoroch organizácie konal úvodný workshop za účelom budovania kapacity organizácie. Jeho realizátormi boli zástupcovia spoločnosti INTRAC a Slovenského centra fundraisingu. Výstupom takmer ročnej spolupráce bude novovytvorená organizačná stratégia, komunikačná stratégia a fundraisingová stratégia Školy dokorán – Wide Open School n. o.

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Cooperation with the Donor Portal

partnership - 11. June 2015

Thanks to the cooperation with the donor portal our organization has gained 6 tablets from the LENOVO Company. The donation was delivered to us during the presentation of the donor portal, which was held in our premises on June 3, 2015.

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Spolupráca s darcovským portálom

spolupráca - 11. June 2015

Vďaka spolupráci s portálom získala naša organizácia 6 tabletov od spoločnosti LENOVO. Dar bol odovzdaný priamo zástupcami darcovského portálu počas prezentačnej akcie portálu, ktorá sa uskutočnila v priestoroch našej organizácie dňa 3. júna 2015.

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partnership - 11. June 2015

Representatives of the Council of Europe from Strasbourg delivered from 13th to 17th April, 2014 ROMED2/ROMACT training for representatives of local governments, NGOs and representatives of Roma communities. Continue Reading

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